WDR type electric steam boiler
technical advantages
The electric steam boiler is a newelectricheating device which converts electricitvin to heat.and its manufactured accordingto boiler safety supervisory Regulationand the industry standardthe electricalapparatus elements adopt famous b randslike Siemens.Schneider,ABB.Chintand soonthus completely eliminatina your tearon electricity and electric eakage
ALl the electrical apparatus elements havetheCE and CCC authentication marks,all pr roducts by famousenterprisesand manufactured bybrand elements appointed by the users.
The large-power electric steam boiler adopts the mode that boiler body and the contro Icabinetseparated.thus avoiding the apparatus elements from being heated and affect running
The circuit desiqnadvanced and reasonablemoreoverthe circuit is finely manufactured.e extremely operatedand maintainedThe control cabinet is desianed to not only upwards outaoina.but also downwardsoutgoingand is freely choose by the users
Multiple copper coresareadoptedtheconnecting cableswhich have the advantages of hig h insulatinggrade.excellent heat radiation and durability.
The electric steam boilerhas the safetyprotection systems like automatic water replenis shing.automaticpower-offand alarming under the situationsof water shortaae.over-heat. over pressure and creepageprotectionand power protection,eto.
The electricheating tube and the boiler main body are connected by a flange conver mniently mounted anddismounted.also easily exchanged.repaired and maintained
Importedcolorfuland singlecolor touch screen control svstems are selected accordin ag to the userreaurementsfulautomaticoperationfulChinese operation interface realizes the man-machineconversation and remote operation
| WDR0.5-1.0 | WDR1-1.0 | WDR2-1.0 | WDR3-1.25 | WDR4-1.25 | WDR5-1.25 | WDR6-1.25 | ||||||||
额定蒸发量 | t/h | 0.5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |||||||
额定工作压力 | MPa | 1.0/1.25/1.6(额定工作压力可按用户需求和标准系列选取) | |||||||||||||
热效率 | % | ≥98 | ≥98 | ≥98 | ≥98 | ≥98 | ≥98 | ≥98 | |||||||
单加热管功率 | KW | 30 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | |||||||
加热管数量 | 组 | 12 | 13 | 24 | 36 | 48 | 60 | 71 | |||||||
耗电功率 | KW | 360 | 780 | 1440 | 2160 | 2880 | 3600 | 4260 | |||||||
锅炉重量 | t | 1656 | 2179 | 3215 | 3917 | 5445 | 6070 | 7122 | |||||||
最大 运输 尺 寸
| 长 | mm | 2355 | 3170 | 3950 | 4880 | 5760 | 6350 | 7450 | ||||||
宽 | mm | 1450 | 1950 | 1950 | 1950 | 2150 | 2150 | 2150 | |||||||
高 | mm | 1650 | 1960 | 1960 | 1960 | 2280 | 2280 | 2280 |